> lst

Listing Directory: /bin/random/website/phones/

- page.aspx

1 File found.

> prsnt page.aspx


Presenting File...


I see you want info on the phones that I happen to own.

Model  Operating System  Notes
 iPhone 12   iOS 18 Developer Beta   My daily driver phone. 
 iPhone 8   Jailbroken iOS 16.7   My previous daily driver. 
 I jailbroke it with Palera1n recently, but it's kinda annoying to re-jailbreak it as I need to use a bootable utility to do so. 
 iPhone 6   Jailbroken iOS 12.7   The first phone I ever jailbroke. 
 As of writing this, the tool I used to jailbreak is not signed on jailbreaks.app so it's annoying to re-jailbreak, but I can still jailbreak if I install Chimera from another source. 
 iPhone 4   Jailbroken iOS 6.x   My first phone, I downgraded it from iOS 7 to iOS 6 with the Legacy iOS toolkit. 
 Motorola razr 5G   Rooted Android 12 

 The first Android device that I've owned. 
 I rooted it with Magisk to attempt to get Playstation Mobile working. 

It appears that after a duration of not using the phone, the screen has started bugging out.

 HTC One S   CyanogenMod 13 (Rooted Android 5.1)   A Playstation Certified phone I bought on eBay for $5 (USD). 
 I bought this one because it was quite cheap and was Playstation Certified. 
 Sony Xperia S   Android 4.1.2   A Playstation Certified phone that was given to me by someone in a discord server because the screen was cracked. 
  This phone is technically rooted, but since the bootloader is permanently locked, it only has a one-click root installed, using Baidu with files swapped with SuperSU.


End of file.